18th March 2011
Louise Whitaker
Sometimes it is good to reflect on the differences between our lives in the UK and life for many
in the Sacred Valley in Peru. Whilst visiting the community of Paucarbabma, the community
where most of our efforts have been made to help them recover after the flooding of January
2010, I took stock of my surroundings.
Below is a photo of one of the women members of our guinea pig businesses kitchen. This lady
is developing her own business with the help of Mysmallhelp and Desana Giving. She is rearing
guinea pigs to sell in the local market, to make money to invest in more guinea pigs and to
use the money to help rebuild her house . She is a business woman. She is trying to better her
current situation. Her kitchen is meager by our standards and her store ´table´fairly empty.
However she tries her best to feed her family and hopefully with the future earnings from her
guinea pig business, this food may become more varied and the risk of this store table being
bare, should be less.
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