Sunday, July 4, 2010

Adobes galore! Cuylandia (aka Guinea Pig Land) is taking shape.

By Dan Henry

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Some said it couldn´t be done. Moving thousands of 20 kilo (44 lb approximately) adobe bricks from the inicial Cuylandia site at Paucarbamba to the new and final site at Ankapachar appeared daunting until Casa Hogar del Sol´s volunteers got on the job. The task at hand culminated today thanks to eleven international volunteers from Loki hostel, long term American volunteers Dan and Marlo, Cusqueño Hubert and his baby blue ´Kia de Korea´ truck, and local volunteers Sandro, Christian, Nerida, and others. All left the worksite smiling despite being covered in dust. Of course, Leander and Carlos served as our trusted captains for the project as well.

The crew transported and stacked over 750 bricks today which will be laid by volunteers and workers in the upcoming days to create the outer wall of Cuylandia. The 2 meter (6 foot) wall will protect the beloved Cuys from the elements, predators, potential bandits, and the nearby road. Christian, Marlo, and Dan have been spending extra time at the site this week relocating bricks via wheelbarrows and their rapidly growing biceps. Water to form additional adobes on site is proving to be elusive thanks to a pesky neighbor turning off the pipes during the day time but the crew is sharp and finding other sources of the resource.

Stay posted for updates on the wall.

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