The wall around Cuylandia has nearly finished but the Paucarbamba
workers are still short of 3000 bricks to complete their job. This
Thursday an additional 6 families from the Paucarbamba community had
their 260 bricks ready to move. The Casa Hogar del Sol team put up
posters all around Ollantaytambo and Kim put up posters around the
Loki hostel for additional volunteers to help with moving these 1310.
Unfortunately only 5 volubteers turned up from Loki and 7 people from
Casa Hogar del Sol. As 2 trucks had been hired we had our work cut
out. After finding 2 additional (drunken) men in Ollantaytambo willing
to do some hard labour we managed to get the bricks moved in 3 runs
between the 2 locations working from 10am until 6pm. A long hard day
and lots of aching muscles!
A big thank you once again to Loki for their continued to support and
for their donation of 250 soles (approximately £55) towards the cost
of moving the bricks.
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