On Friday we visited Paucarbamba to distribute school supplies to the children of the town. Since the floods it has been a struggle for the students to get back into a routine. Since there is currently no electricity they are currently doing homework and studying by candlelight. The situation has improved since Asociacion Casa Hogar del Sol has built the comedor (with funds from MySmallHelp); where the children can work under the electric light. But having a place to do homework is not enough if they lack materials to work with.
The community, concerned about the education of it's children, requested school supplies. We had the parents of Paucarbamba compile a list of what the children needed and thanks to the generous support of American organisation, Desana Giving, we were able to distribute supplies to 29 children from the community.
The lined up eagerly at the door of the comedor where we were organising the stationary and waited their turn as we called them in one by one. Their eyes lit up as they recieved their notebooks, markers, dictionaries and folders. These small items we would otherwise take for granted means the world to these children who have lost so much in the flood. We know that these materials will improve the quality of their education and help restore a sense of normality as we help them rebuild bit by bit.
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