Thursday, March 11, 2010

Incredible Work

3rd March 2010, Wednesday

This Wednesday we recieved an increadible donation from a friend in Lima named Rosita, one hundred triplay wood sheetsª These will be used to construct our preposed Cuy farm in Paucarbamba, although we have yet to decide on the final logistics.
We picked up the sheets in Cusco with our chauferred camión and began our lengthy journey into the Valley. After a beautiful 3 hour ride we arrived in Ollantaytambo at Carlos's house where the sheets will be stored untill we are ready to use them. Carlos's brother Rojelio, our friend Christian and our friendly driver unloaded the sheets into the watertight safety of one of the rooms.
The days delivery done, we eagerly specualted over dinner about how we were to best use the donation in uniting the upper and lower communities and providing a sustainable income. We look forward to working further with our Cuy farm project and thank Rosita once again for bringing our vision a step closer.

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