Thursday, October 24, 2013

Kalpana Chaudhary Update

Kalpana is developing into a very confident and interesting young lady. She is 16 years old and is currently in Grade 12 at college and is studying Sociology.  Kalpana is undergoing work experience at Marybert in the hope of improving her skills and future employment opportunities.  She helps the school with teaching Grade 1 students.  At college Kalpana took part in a Quiz contest and her team came 2nd overall.  In Marybert, Kalpana is often found helping her younger brothers and sisters with cleaning and washing their clothes. She also often leads the nightly 'devotion' gatherings and enjoys attending church every Saturday.  She is in the choir!  Kalpana has stated that when she is older she would like to be a social worker. 

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