by: Raju Maharjan

On 13th of January 2013 MSH Nepal team along with team from Today's Youth traveled 30km far from Kathmandu city area to one of the village called Bhattedanda. Bhattedanda is one of the most remote village in Lalitpur district. With 400 houses all together and 4500 people lives in that village. More than 70% of the people are illiterate. Agriculture and cattle farming are their main source of income. In Bhattedanda there is one small school named as Bhattedanda.
MSH Nepal visited Bhattedanda school for the first time in 2009. MSH Nepal found Bhattedanda's school in very poor condition. After the first visit MSH started to supporting the school. After MSH started supporting the school, the school made very tremendous improvement in both in infrastructure and in education. When MSH visited in 2009 there were only 44 children altogether and children used to study in a poorly constructed room. Today the school has built one storied new building and second floor is under construction. The school has 99 children all together .Since Bhattedanda is a remote area where there is no facilities to print, photocopy or scan any documents.They often have to travel back 30 km near the city area. Bhattedanda school's staff requested MSH to donate a computer and printer so that they can print their own document by themselves. They even wants to provide at least basic knowledge to their school's children.
Today's Youth approached MSH in September 2012 to become a charity partner corporate 4A Side Futsal Tournament which was going to be held from 12-14th October 2012. Today's Youth wanted to donate the winning price from the tournament to one of the needy school of Nepal. MSH proposed Today's Youth to donate the priced amount to Bhattedanda. Today's Youth raised about £400 from the musical event. Today's Youth brought computer and printer for the school with that fund.
On 13th of January 2013 the team from Today's Youth and MSH visited the school and donated the computer and printer. The school management team was extremely happy and they promised to take care and make good use of it in the coming near future. Everyone who visited the school feel really proud and glad to make such a great Nobel cause and wants to continue helping the school in coming near future.
Thank you My Small Help.
Thank you My Small Help.
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