by Leander Hollings

Pierrick and Maryline from France
Pierrick and Maryline from France are friends of Gopal from
Mysmallhelp Nepal. They had heard that Mysmallhelp is also supporting
projects in Ollantaytambo, Peru. Whilst travelling around Peru they
decided to come and visit the small small town of Ollantaytambo to
give their small help for three days.
They worked with the Paucarbamba community members helping to build
Cuylandia, the future guinea pig breeding and training centre for theflood victims of the sacred valley. They helped by digging the
foundations of the protective wall. They also spent one day with the
families who lost their houses in the January floods in
Huayroncoyocpampa and used picks and spades to start cleaning the land
so that they can build new houses with stronger foundations. It is a
long and tiring task they have to handle if they want to stop living
in tents !
Maryline also joined Carlos and an american team who went to visit
shools in Pachar and Tastayoc providing dental health care to the
Everywhere their "small help" was warmly welcomed by the people they
worked with, and the almuerzos were always good moments to share with
the communities and to learn more about the places they were visiting.
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