Dear Friends of MySmallHelp,
As you may know, MySmallHelp has worked in Nepal for nearly 9 years. Even before the first quake, half of Nepal´s 28 million population lived below the poverty line. Now the country is in more need than ever.
"More than 8000 people were killed in the first devastating earthquake in Nepal on April 25th" (Quartz, India) "Hundreds of thousands of people need urgent assistance now" (Oxfam UK)

Sitting in front of our screens we are bombarded by horrific images of a land far away, which may have no relevance in our lives. But the people of Nepal have been touched directly by the power of nature and are currently in a state of shock.. Fear that their lives may soon be taken...
"Quake just came, I thought today is my last day on earth, cried alot and prayed a lot." - Anita, the inspiration for MySmallHelp.
Soon after the second quake on 12th May, I was contacted by a good Nepali friend of mine. He told me "Sister I love you but I think this is the end.. I will see you in my next life.."
If you would like to give to a small charity that wants to help the children, families and their communities that it has been working with for the past 9 years then please consider donating to Nepal through MySmallHelp.
Our team on the ground are currently focusing on emergency food distribution and analysing the situation of the sponsored children and their families to finalise the long term strategy for the rebuild.
Please DONATE and help us to help Nepal. Your small help can make a huge difference.

If you have already made a donation to another organization you can still help by sharing this Just Giving page to your social networking sites.
If you would like to join the MySmallHelp team of volunteers to help with the fundraising and coordination of the relief efforts please contact
Many thanks for reading this if you got this far!
Much love
Leander Hollings &
The MySmallHelp Team