Thursday, July 5, 2012

Yes, we have found the Sponsor

Yes, we have found sponsor for Sunita. She no longer has to worry how she can go to school. Thank you everyone for your support, love. 

Congratulation to SLC graduates

By Jeena

Congratulations!!!!!!!!! Kalpana and Anjali

This year also MySmallHelp, Nepal feels very proud to congratulate two of the children for completing School Level. Kalpana Chaudhari and Anjali Thapa Magar are the children who successfully passed S.L.C (School Leaving Certificate). They are the second batch of MSH, Nepal who has been promoted for higher study level. Kalpana has planned to study humanities at Blue Bird College and aims to be a social worker while Anjali wants to be a management student at Grand Academy and aims to be an officer of the reputed organization to support her family. So MSH, Nepal is very happy to wish them for successful future and to support them further. Also MSH, Nepal is heartily thankful to the sponsor for their kind support and love .

Monday, July 2, 2012

Looking for a Sponsor

Sunita is a very sweet, honest and loving child. MSH had been helping from 2007 to 2011. During her stay in the Orphanage, she became one of the brightest student of the school and always came first and got number of medals. But suddenly, her uncle took back to her mother because her mother disable and has to use wheel chair to walk. There is a bitter truth that Sunita is a product of rape. 

MySmallHelp tried a lot to find her and now after 1 and 3 months, Sunita came in contact via facebook. We with lot of desperation, went to meet her. She is now 15 years old and to our big surprise, she had left her school. Sunita has a responsibility to cook, wash and look after her mother. Because of no any income source she was forced to leave the school and stay home.

We were deeply sadden, tears in our eyes and she was desperate in need of help, she loves to study and wants to continue. Though the school had started 3 months back, one of the school agreed to admit to the school. We admitted her to the school, we ordered school dress for tailoring, bought books, copies, pens, school shoes. For coming Sunday she is starting her new school with new hope and new dream.

It was our humble request to help this girl to continue her study and make her future bright. She desperately needs. Please your small help really really makes a big big difference to this girl.