Approximately 10 stunt bikers performed to an enthusiastic crowd of around 300 the last weekend in November (2010). The event, held at the International Summing Club, Satdobato, was organised by Pako Youth Club and Planet Nepal. The bikers showed bravery and skill as they wowed the audience with their daredevil antics. The crowd also enjoyed a variety of live music.
Pramila, My Small Help’s accountant, was thrilled to receive the cheque. The charity, on behalf of the young children and orphans who will benefit from the cash boost, thank the organisers of the stunt show for their generosity, and for daring to care.
Pramila receving cheque
The donation will be put towards a number of different projects run by My Small Help to ensure that the children they sponsor are given the opportunity to benefit from school education, and that their overall wellbeing is considered a priority.
6 out of 11 new iron beds were provided to Marybert Orphanage. Marybert Orphanage used to have 11 wooden beds for the boys and girls room altogether. The beds were really old and had bed bugs, due to which the children could not sleep soundly and would wake up in the middle of the night. The beds were treated with medicine but still it was of no use. The only option left was to burn down the beds.
Marybert School and Orphanage is situated in Kathmandu and is MSH’s pioneer project. At present there are approximately 100 children studying at the school and 23 of these children are living at the orphanage. MSH sponsors 17 children living at the Marybert orphanage. The sponsorship pays for their education, food, accommodation and sanitary living conditions.
In addition, MSH has built a library for the school and has donated many books. The library has a peaceful atmosphere and the books are clearly displayed. MSH has funded a bio-gas system that is complete and running very well. MSH has also funded for iron beds for the orphanage.
Marybert Orphanage Management and MySmallHelp decided to dosomething, so Marybert Orphanage Management and MySmallHelp sat down together to discuss on the matter. With much discussion, MySmallHelp decided to fund for 6 new iron beds with the Funds Provided by KnightBridge School, UK and for the other 5 beds, were to be funded by Marybert Orphanage Management. The beds were not ready-made and were to be made from the start and painted. Meanwhile, as the bed was being made in process, the children were sleeping on the floor with their matress and as winter was approaching, the children were starting to feel cold, so the building of the beds had to be faster. Finally on 20th Sep 2010, the beds were ready and brought to MaryBert Orphanage, with new bed carts. The children were very happy to see their new bed and arrage it in their respective rooms.
Nowadays, the children have not complaint about being bitten by any bed bugs and they said they can sleep soundly at night. They are very thankful to Knightbridge School for funding this project and for all their support.
Include other projects in brief and write something like this "we will be doing this projects soon and will write the update and progress.
The cuys have arrived at Cuylandia!
The first guinea pigs have been distributed to the people that have built the homes for their guinea pigs and have grown their food donated by Paskay and have followed all of the training sessions.
According to the “socios” members of the Cuylandia project they are very happy with their guinea pigs and are now more excited than ever about their guinea pig rearing businesses.
The balanced guinea pig food has also been distributed to the “socios” members that have their guinea pigs. They need to make sure that they pick up their 1.3kg of guina pig food from the president each day.
The last guinea pig training session took place today at Cuylandia and the guinea pigs are going to receive their tags on Thursday.
. Each family including in the Cuylandia contract with Paskay are visited on Friday each week to check how they are progressing.
· The growth of their alfafa
· Construcion of the homes for the guinea pigs
· Interest in rearing guinea pigs
· Evaluation on how they have understood the guinea pig rearing training course provided by Paskay
On 1st October 2010 our agronomist reported that 50% of the members have built the homes for their guinea pigs, , 70% had planted the alfafa to ensure that the guinea pigs will have enough food) and 95% are interested in learning more about their new guinea pig rearing business.
I arrived in Ollanytatambo last Friday (1st October) this is my second visit to the town, my last visit was two years ago when my friends and I were on the tourist trail to Machu Picchu. This trip to Ollanta has been a lot rawer than my previous experience. When I say rawer what I mean that working with Leander and Casa Hogar del sol has meant that there is no way of escaping the problems of this town as I have been able to expereince really being part of the community. The work that Leander and CHDS are doing is truly having a great impact on lives of the communities and individuals here.
On my first night we went to visit Lurdes, an 18 year old girl that Leander is working with who has osteogenosis imperfecta (brittle bones disease). Lurdes family are extremely poor, both her mother and step father are alcoholics and on days when Leander or none of the other volunteers are able to take her out she i resigned to the house as she does not have a working wheel chair. What Leander and CHDS are aiming to do for Lurdes is to get her an electronic wheel chair through a recycling campaign in which they need to collect 50,000 bottle tops in exchange for purchase of the chair. This week we printed and gave out posters in hostels in Cusco, one of which being Loki the biggest chain of hostel in south America, so you can imagine their support is greatly appreciated. Lurdes also attends a private jewellery work shop run by Leanders friend Cristian Davila, who is an extremely talented artisan and the owner of the jewellery business Pez de Plata. Lurdes Hands have developed perfectly normally so Cristian is able to teach her his skills in the hope that she may be able to sell her work in the future. Cristian has donated tools and silver for Lurdes to make the first bracelet for herself and 2 additional bracelets which she will be able to sell and invest back in to more silver for her small business. Lurdes really enjoys the workshops and Cristian can see that she is already very talented. Lurdes is very dedicated and concentrates hard as she works with her hands. She showed us a chain that she had made for her brother woven from bronze in hoops a truly beautiful traditional style. I think with the continuation Cristians help this could be a real
opportunity for her. Another aspect of Leander’s work with Lurdes that I was able to see is the research into finding Lurdes a more stable place to live. As I explained earlier both her parents are alcoholics and Lurdes is extremely unhappy living at home due to fear from her step father’s behaviour when he is drunk and lack of care from her mother when she is in the same state. Leander is looking into homes in Cuzco mainly; however on the way back from Tastayoc on Monday Lurdes also had her own idea. We went to visit her biological father’s sister who Lurdes had not seen in nearly 8 years! The aunt agreed that it was not acceptable for Lurdes to be living in such circumstance and offered that Lurdes could live with her family. Her aunt seemed very nice, the house was lovely and her children all go to school and seemed perfectly well cared for. However a decision has not been made as caution is needed to ensure that the family situation we saw on Monday is a reality and consideration is needed into the fact that her aunt house is a bit remote and could mean Lurdes is even more isolated. Yesterday (Tuesday 5th) Leander received a phone call from a tv station who want to interview Lurdes about her situation and the recycling campaign.
We visited the community of Tastayoc on Monday 4th; I was utterly impressed by the work that had gone on in the community, with their new schools, green houses, soup kitchen, childrens playground, and toilet shower block. These investments in the community have majorly improved the community’s life style; all the children now regularly attend school and have a fantastic teacher. Many of the children only speak quechua so they are being taught Spanish in class but they all also seemed very eager to be taught some English. We ate with the community at lunch time, the meal was a mixture of vegetables and tuna, all the vegetables had been grown by the community in their green houses. Therefore thanks to the investment from CHDS we can be confident that all the children are receiving health regular meals.
On Tuesday 5th we went to Cusco with 21 members of the main community CHDS is working with (Paucarbamba) to a government run guinea pig farm where the members of the community could learn how to successfully rear guinea pigs to sell. CHDS is working very closely with this community because they were so extensively effected by the flooding last winter, many of them are still unfortunately living in tents. The trip to the guinea pig farm had a great turn out, and the communities members seemed extremely interested and determined to make this business venture work ( I caught a couple of the men from the group exchanging how many notes they had!). The engineer giving the training told us that she hopes the first lot of guinea pigs (around 100) to ready to by 5th November for the community. World Vision was also working with this government run guinea pig farm so it is clearly a well established project.
If you want to know more about Lurdes please contact Leander Hollings 974896630 – hollings.leander@gmail.com
It seems like ages since my last blog update - I think it’s only been about a week but a lot has happened.
I’ve taught more lessons, in a school in Rumira and in Tastayoc. Last week I felt like I wasn’t really getting anywhere with teaching English. The children in Tastayoc seemed reluctant to join in and in Rumira too they struggled with interactive methods, like partner work and question and answers and with the pronunciation of English words. So I approached this week’s classes expecting to need to do a lot of repetition. In Tastayoc they surprised me and they seemed to have got a better grasp of ‘What’s your name? My name is...’ and we were able to play a game in a circle with a football using the language.
I’d also bought some finger puppets at the weekend in Cusco to help with questions and answers in English. Henry, the cook who is staying with us at the moment, helped me name them, Tommy the tiger and Zuzu the Zebra.
The children in my classes yesterday loved them and they helped them to answer questions rather than repeat them (which is the problem I was having last week!).
School starts at 8.30am here and continues until about 1pm. I’m not sure how long breaktimes last for, but the structure doesn’t seem to be as rigid as in the UK, with our bell system! There seems to be a more relaxed attitude to school.
Although there are public schools that are available for children to go to there don´t seem to be Education Welfare officers here to ensure children are in school. We have a little girl who lives next door to us, Libertad, who has still not been in school for a few months, something to do with her father being an alcoholic. Leander is trying to find a school which will take her.
Almost more shocking was being introduced today to a little girl of 9 years old in Rumira who is from Tastayoc. She goes to school in Rumira with her little sister because her mother doesn’t want them to go to the school in Tastayoc, which is a tiny school with only one class. Instead her mother prefers to send them to live alone in Rumira during the week and to visit Tastoyoc at the weekends. To give you an idea of the distance, Rumira is at 2640m and Tastayoc 3953m, it takes about 45minutes by car. When I asked who does the cooking for them both, I was told that the 9 year old sister does.
On a more positive note, Lurdes, the girl who can’t walk due to brittle bone disease, is now being home schooled by one of the teachers from Rumira. The teacher goes up to see her about 3 times a week and spends an hour or two teaching her to read, write etc. She seems to be doing well so far.
We also went to see another project on based in Ollantaytambo called Living Heart on Thursday. They take food up to schools in more remote areas to help provide a balanced nutritious diet for the children. We went with Rita who works on the project to two schools, both were very impressive.
The food market at Urubamba where we helped to buy the food for the schools; Sillacancha school with children working in the field at breaktime – they are hoping to be able to grow guinea pig food and sell it.
This is the other school, Ccotataqui which was high up in the mountains, along a stony path that I really didn´t think the car could drive up!! It was a really clean, beautifully painted school. Here´s the headteacher playing some music for the children and the cook in the kitchen.
On Friday I went to Cusco and had a lovely weekend going to see the ruins. They have a system here where you can buy a tourist ticket which includes entrance to 16 separate sites and museums in Cusco and the Sacred Valley. They are good value if you can see everything but the ticket it only valid for 10 days. I went on a city tour on Friday which allowed me to see 4 different sites. They were incredible, especially Saqsayhuaman, where you can see close up these incredibly big stones and how they have been fitted together by the Incans.
I forgot to mention going out dancing in Cusco on Friday night with some of Leander´s friends. Cusco is a party town and I had my first experience of Latin dancing, with Vincente and Cesar, two of Leander´s friends or snake hips as I now think of them! This was the band we saw singing about the ´selva´or jungle!
Today, the plan was for me to start teaching in another school, Paucarbamba down by the river, where the floods happened but yesterday, a ‘paro’ was announced - which is a strike on the roads. Not only does this mean that I can‘t get down to the school but the guinea pig training that was scheduled for today has had to be cancelled, luckily Leander has managed to re-schedule a meeting for the community involved in the knitting project and Nelly managed to get here from Cusco yesterday to do the training today. Things can change rapidly here so it’s important to be flexible!
Vicky Armstrong
Paskay (Mysmallhelp Peru)