Sunday, January 12, 2014

5 weeks volunteering in Ollantaytambo for My Small Help

By: Louise Sanders
I spent 5 weeks volunteering in Ollantaytambo for My Small Help and loved it. I have been talking about it ever since to anyone who will listen! My main  job was to look after the children on the bus to school, which is in urrabamba about half a mile away. This job was always fun, talking to the children or Reuben the bus driver. I was also able to help out at school working with Lucho the physiotherapist who teases everyone!  I also took part  in the fiestas de Ollanta where we were in the  parade with the children and their parents and also went to Paru paru to plant potatoes! 

Whilst working for my small help I fell in love with Jose Alfredo who despite not being able to talk or walk understands absolutely everything you say! He was making progress in feeding himself. I hope to go back to Peru and visit him and I would love it ift he could eat a whole meal using a spoon, it would be amazing.
The children and the other volunteers, mi familia linda,  made my stay in Ollantaytambo amazing! 
Thank you!

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